Low Hall the Lakes Wedding

Sam & Ade’s wedding in the Lake District


Congratulations to Sam & Ade on their beautiful wedding at Low Hall. Low Hall is such a charming place, and I really enjoyed photographing here.

Sam & Ade had a beautiful woodland wedding ceremony which was just magical! The whole vibe of the day was totally relaxed with no table plan, no speeches, the way weddings should be – however YOU want!

Sam & Ade’s kids were so sweet on the day. The girls were SO excited to wear their outfits and the boys were so polite, really a joy to photograph.

Thanks for having me there Sam & Ade, it was a really wonderful day and I felt so relaxed and able to take my time, be creative with the photos and get to know you all.

Describe the proposal!: Scarborough open air theatre, Lionel Richie concert. My fav Lionel song Penny Lover comes on, I’m singing away and I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and the crowd have created a circle around Ade who’s on one knee. I don’t believe I actually said yes because I was jumping around like a baby goat.

What is special about your venue?: It’s flipping gorgeous! We wanted something more laid back and with beautiful scenery.

Any details of note about your big day?: I can’t think of anything specific, the wedding is extremely laid back; late afternoon wedding with a BBQ and ice cream van. I’ll have amazing Irregular Choice shoes hidden under my dress.

Venue: https://www.lowhallthelakes.com/

Bride's Outfit: http://perfectdazebridal.co.uk/

Flowers: https://floralboutique-cockermouth.co.uk/

Catering: Hog Roast - https://www.hogtasticnorthwest.co.uk/hog-roast-cumbria/ Icecream Van - www.icecreamdub.co.uk

Band/DJ: https://www.southwestband.co.uk/